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  !Short: - Short Entries

    Short entries provide a concise summary of a topic and serve as an easy-
    to-scan pointer to a more complete description.

              text of long entry                                        
         [!seealso: references]                                         


         !file: filename.ngo                                            

    A short entry is a single line of text. Short entries generally appear
    as part of a list with other short entries; the list can be thought of
    as an index into longer, more complete descriptions. These underlying
    long descriptions are accessed via the Expand menu of the Hypertext

    A short entry can point to either a single long entry or to another
    list of short entries. A short entry must begin with the command
    !short:, starting in column 1. All text after the colon, including
    spaces and tabs, will appear in the text of the short entry in the
    database, exactly as it was typed into the Data Text File (with the
    exception of the special handling of ^ (caret) character sequences).


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Long Entries Related Topics: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson